Monday, 9 December 2013

LouRoo Grew!!!

Woo hoo! Since last week, LouRoo has doubled in size!

Things have been going really well of late and with some great agency and direct business clients on board, rapid expansion was pretty much inevitable.

So I duly embarked on a carefully strategised and extensive recruitment process, which was a bit of an eye opener to be honest. Because while I’ve had lots of experience of creating recruitment communications for lots of clients, doing it for yourself is quite different.

I kind of asked around and it turns out nobody wants to work with me. They’ve no clue what I do (creative copywriter if ya don’t mind. A la Peggy Olson. Look her up) (and I can be a bit crazy). 

In the end, I spotted a great wee blog right here and signed her up immediately!  

So, on Friday, it was just me. Today, it’s me and Fe. Fe the work experience kid.
I know Fe well, we go way back. We’re so close, in fact, she even calls me mum (small m).

So this week should be a blast. I’m easing her in this morning by asking her to call me Boss (capital B) and letting her surf the interweb while I do some admin.

Already, she’s said “I’m a professional, Mum.” so that’s progress but there’s still work to be done.

And so far, there’s been a good bit of giggling from her desk. But we’ll soon see about that. We’re not here to have fun.

(Even though I do believe that what is written without interest/fun/humour is read in the same way. But that’s another blog.) We are here to WORK.

So, without further ado, consider yourself introduced to Fe Roo.

This week, as well as me enjoying sporadic super-fan-girl insight from the likes of Supernatural and The Hunger Games, we’ll be looking at what I do (ideas and writing), and getting her to take a look at my social media  (She is a digital native after all. Should be wee buns). 

Watch out neglected blog. You won’t know what hit you!!!

So, get us started: ask Fe a question. 

What would you like to know an intelligent and articulate 15yo thinks about branding and marketing, advertising, capitalism, religion (careful now), politics (down with that sort of thing), the world at large, and the driver getting to pick the music while shotgun gets to shut their cakehole??? (I know that one: It's totally unfair.)

And she’ll blog about the one that catches her interest. Should be fun. Go!